
Alight Integration Center

We put APIs to work to help people achieve business goals and live life.

Explore Alight Integration Center


Payroll Integration

Alight's modern payroll systems ensure employees are paid accurately and on-time. Organizations can also analyze global pay data more thoroughly to meet all compliance requirements.

Payroll Integration

Supplemental Integration

Discover integrations that cross services, business processes, beneficiary designations, employee history, maintenance and more.

Supplemental Integration

Health Integration

Alight administers benefits and provides personalized support to help employees make smarter, cost-effective health decisions. A healthier and better-informed workforce reduces healthcare expenses.

Health Integration

Wealth Integration

Alight's wealth solutions empower employees to plan their retirement from day one with tools to build a strategy that works best for them.

Wealth Integration

Vendor Data Integration

A robust, scalable, code-free solution that can handle the growing data integration needs and streamlines a complex data push to the Alight system.

Vendor Data Integration

Customer Care Integration

Alight's Customer Care Solutions provide low-effort connections for customers (employees, participants, etc.) from any Alight Channel to expert agents across Health, Wealth, and Payroll at the right time.

Customer Care Integration

"We thrive on helping you thrive."

Stephan Scholl CEO, Alight

Where would you like to start?

Getting Started

Learn about Alight API authorization and authentication best practices, access tokens, and session management, common HTTP headers, and how to call Alight APIs.

Getting Started

Use Cases

Use Cases explaining how to obtain an end result, written for a non-technical audience who want to evaluate and understand what Alight APIs can accomplish.

Use Cases


Structured lessons with step-by-step explanations of how to construct a request and evaluate the response with code samples and error codes.
